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Welcome to Anitalkâ„¢

Anitalk—a vibrant evolution of our pioneering digital communication tool, originally launched as Animoji in 2014 by emonster inc. Animoji revolutionized messaging by animating emojis and Unicode characters, employing a unique syntax that transformed texts into engaging animated sequences. Text enclosed in square brackets [ ] indicated a single animation frame, while text in parentheses ( ) animated each character individually, adding depth and emotion to every message.

The journey of Animoji took a contentious turn in 2017 when Apple introduced a feature with the same name. This action was not just a coincidence; it was a clear infringement on the Animoji trademark, legally owned by emonster inc. since its original launch. Despite being aware of the existing trademark, as evidenced by prior attempts to purchase the rights from emonster, Apple proceeded to use the name for its facially animated emoji feature introduced with the iPhone X.

The infringement led to a decisive legal challenge by emonster inc. The lawsuit underscored the gravity of Apple's actions—using a name already trademarked by another innovator in the technology space. The legal proceedings concluded with Apple agreeing to a substantial settlement, compensating emonster for the trademark violation. This settlement highlighted the recognition of our established rights over the Animoji trademark and underscored the importance of intellectual property in the tech industry.

Following this significant legal victory, the necessity to distinguish our original and innovative product from that of a major corporation led us to rebrand as Anitalkâ„¢. This new name marks a fresh start and a reaffirmation of our commitment to leading the way in animated communication technology. Anitalkâ„¢ continues to build on the legacy of its predecessor, enhancing digital interactions by making them more expressive and dynamic.

Join us on the exciting journey with Anitalkâ„¢, as we continue to innovate and redefine how emotions and ideas are conveyed in the digital realm. Experience the original animated messaging that started it all, now under a name that speaks to both our past achievements and our future aspirations.